**Quantity of ecards was updated to number of recipients**

Leave a Legacy
Our Future is in Your Hands
Planned Giving to Emunah is a lasting monument to a lifetime devoted to caring for those in need. Planned gifts provide a vital source of funds to Emunah’s vast network of programs and facilities serving thousands of children and families throughout Israel.
With a sound estate plan, you will help secure a better future for thousands of people who rely on Emunah’s care, enhance your legacy, and receive significant tax benefits all at the same time.
Naming opportunities are available to recognize your support.
Naming Oppurtunities
We welcome you to join Emunah’s ATID Society to recognize individuals who have included Emunah in their estate plans. The Hebrew word ATID means future; members of the ATID society understand the importance of ensuring the future vitality of Emunah and our role in a stronger, safer future in Israel. We encourage you to join the ATID Society by informing us of your intention to include EMUNAH as a charitable beneficiary of your estate.
Please contact our National Director, Marissa Muscat for assistance.
Endowment Fund
An Endowment Fund can play a key role in meeting the needs of the future. By keeping the principal intact and only spending income , Emunah has a flow of funds for new and innovative projects and current programs. An Endowment Fund gift can also enable the individual donor to expand their philanthropic dollars by maximizing tax deductions and investing those dollars wisely.
Your principal investment will generate investment income every year and ensure the future financial health of our Emunah Projects. 100% of this income is earmarked for our homes to maintain the high standards of care for our children.
Please contact our National Director, Marissa Muscat for assistance.
There are many reasons to make a bequest. A bequest allows you to honour a loved one, while providing critical support to our Emunah Projects through a fund. The lasting impact of bequests—both large and small, help shape Emunah today. For many members or friends of Emunah Canada, a charitable bequest is the easiest and best way to make a gift. By means of your will or other estate plan, you can name Emunah Women of Canada as the beneficiary of a portion of your estate, or of particular assets in your estate.
Giving by bequest costs nothing now, yet it may give you a great deal of satisfaction to know that your future gift will live on.
You can bequeath an exact amount or a percentage of your Estate to Emunah Canada by simply including one of the following paragraphs in your Will:
“I give, devise and bequeath to Emunah Canada, the sum of $________”
“I give, devise and bequeath to Emunah Canada, (you name the percentage) of the rest and residue of my estate”
If you already have a will, your lawyer or notary can amend it by adding a codicil.
In lieu of cash donations, Emunah Canada accepts stocks, bonds, GICs and strip bond securities. The donor will receive the same tax benefits as with a cash gift.
Please contact our National Director, Marissa Muscat for assistance.