Rachel Goodman Aspler
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Rachel Goodman Aspler is a licensed clinical psychologist with more than 20 years of experience in providing psychotherapy and psychological assessment to a variety of populations. In her private practice she works primarily with adults and older adults. She specializes in the areas of anxiety and depressive disorders, neuropsychological evaluation, memory wellness, stress, and trauma. She is the co-Associate Director of the Montreal Jewish General Hospital Alzheimer Risk Assessment Clinic (ARAC).
She is passionate about promoting prevention and wellness, and mental health awareness and destigmatization. Together with Yair Meyers, Rachel co-founded and chairs the Annual Jewish Community Mental Health Shabbat which takes places each year in May during Mental Health Week. Despite having to move this event onto zoom for the past two years, Rachel’s dedication has never waivered. She recognized the increased need for mental health education as a result of the Pandemic and was further motivated to plan a successful weekend.
Rachel is married to Judah Aspler, and they share three wonderful children, Nediva, Gavi & Talia. Rachel comes from a family of lifetime Emunah members, and has been a member and volunteer of Emunah for many years.
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