Claire Caplan
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Claire Caplan began her career teaching in the Early Childhood Center at the YM-YWHA. She retired after decades as a beloved teacher, but found she could not stay away from the children. She began teaching at the CPE Hebrew Academy, where she is affectionately known as Morah Claire, and lovingly refers to her children as mamalas and tatalas.
Claire goes above and beyond for her students, and believes in engaging them and making sure they reach their full potential. During Covid, when the school was closed, Claire would make sure to reach out to the children in her class to see how they were, to maintain the connection and to make sure they were coping. Once school reopened, whenever she had a student in quarantine, she would personally deliver to their home any projects or materials the class was working on so they would not feel left out. The connection between Claire and her students is so strong that they always ask her to come to Kindergarten with them.
Claire is married to Morty Caplan. They have 2 daughters and 7 grandchildren.
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